


真是看時空飛逝 我回首從前

之前在馬德里住了這麼久 現在又回到那兒真是棒呆了

我這次趁機在演唱會前跟一些老朋友見見  真不賴

我們回鍋演唱會上真是歡樂不斷 我知道這聽起來像是老生常談 但老娘說的是真的!

對我個人而言 目前整個演唱會的高潮是禮拜二的時候  我們在倫敦O2體育館把我們的嬰仔全部都帶到台上一起唱Mama

我之前就說過了 我的寶貝們是我再次登台的動力  這次讓他們跟我一起上台真的是一個讓我很驕傲的事情

說到了週二的那場演唱會啊  B把它的手鍊甩到觀眾區那裡 在這裡要跟我的老相好小貝同名的路人大衛說聲謝啦  

因為他把它給撿回來了然後跟我們的經理人連絡 表示他有撿到

我們真的很感謝他做人童叟無欺 所以一月演唱會的時候會在開演之前跟他來個相見歡

Roberto Cavalli有來參加倫敦的幾場演唱會  他費盡心力的幫我們打造了如此華麗的秀服  所以 他也能來看我們表演 真是不賴
我們現在開始放假  在來就是新年的時候我們會再回到O2開幾場演唱會 接著就要去曼徹斯特開了

那裡氣氛都很棒 所以我們非常興奮能夠去那裡辦演唱會 

我自己的話呢 就特別的期待在曼徹斯特表演 畢竟我在那而住了好一段時間 而且我真喜歡那邊
我真的很期待聖誕節的到來 能夠跟小貝以及我們的孩子跟家人共度歡樂時光

我們要帶小小貝們去看Father Christmas  他們可是樂歪了呢

我們快要降落了 所以得在這ㄦ停筆  在這邊真的謝謝你們的支持 希望你們聖誕佳節樂陶陶  一月見囉




I’m writing this on the plane on the way home from Madrid – I can’t believe it was our last show of 2007, the time is going by so fast. It was great to return to Madrid having lived there for so long. I had the chance to say hello to some friends before the show, which is always nice.

We’re having so much fun on tour. I know it sounds like a cliché but it really is the truth. I think for me, the highlight so far was Tuesday night at The O2 Arena in London and having our kids on stage with us during Mama (pictured below). I’ve said it lots of times before but my boys really are the reason that I am doing this and to have them up there with me was a very proud moment.

Talking of the show on Tuesday, Mel B lost her bracelet as it flew off in to the audience and we want to say a big thank you to David who picked it up and contacted our management company to tell us that he had it. We’re grateful to him for being so honest and we’ll be meeting up with him before one of our shows in January to say thank him in person.

Roberto Cavalli came along to a couple of the shows in London. He has worked so hard on our amazing costumes so it’s great for him to see us up there performing in them.

We have a little break now and then we’ll be back at The O2 Arena in the new year before heading up to Manchester, where there is always a fantastic atmosphere so we’re excited about that. On a personal note, I’m really looking forward to performing in Manchester as we lived there for quite a while and I really love it.

I’m really looking forward to Christmas, to spending time with David, the boys and my family. We are taking the boys to see Father Christmas and they are so excited!

We’re about to land so I have to go now but thank you all so much for your support. I hope that you all have a lovely Christmas and we’ll see you in January!

Lots of love



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